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EdgeHuddle: A Success Story for Nursing Productivity and Retention

Huddles are essential to care delivery but have become a data collection and reporting ritual rather than a platform for action. EdgeHuddle transforms huddles by curating real-time checklists that generate levers of action, providing

care teams with the activities they need for patient care.

Nurse Form


Despite the complexity of health systems, Nursing is historically good at informing staff of clinical priorities and strategies. The challenge for clinicians at all levels is the time required to collect the data that informs decisions and what action to take once reported.

Huddles are a perfect microcosm of this challenge. The amount of time spent on huddles can vary depending on the organization and the type of huddle. According to a survey by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), the average length of daily safety huddles was around 13 minutes, ranging from 5-30 minutes, depending on the hospital.

However, it's important to note that these small amounts of time do not necessarily reflect the efficiency or effectiveness of the huddle. Managers spend untenable hours collecting and preparing data. An equal amount of time is spent determining what the data means and how to act on it.


EdgeHuddle, Edgility's answer to huddle preparation and activity development, transforms the process by intelligently curating data to define and orchestrate appropriate action.


• Decant the data collection, compilation, and reporting functions from high-value assets, allowing them to focus on providing patient care, staff development, and support.

•Leverage AI technology to curate real-time checklists that generate levers of action.

•Improve staff retention and employee satisfaction by removing low-value administrative work and providing more time for patient care.

Results after Implementation

23 min

time saved in an 8-hour shift


reduction in hospital
acquired infections


increase in employee enegagement


huddle compliance


increase in nursing retention based on survey results

$ 912,051

savings in resource cost (400 bed hospital with 10,272 annual discharges

How EdgeHuddle is making an Impact

“Integrating AI into our safety huddle design is a major step forward in our commitment to providing the highest quality care to our patients. We believe this technology will help us identify and mitigate risks more effectively, improving patient outcomes.”

Jason M. Pirtz, MBA, BSN, RN, Chief Nursing Officer, Academic Market, UH Cleveland Medical Center.
"Perhaps most importantly, EdgeHuddle provides our teams with ‘levers of action.’ We have identified patients' needs and know the actions to take. The technology provides real-time risk assessment and prediction.”

Kristina Mattmuller, BSN, RN, and Delia McDermott, BSN, RN, co-chairs of the Nursing Work Environment Council, UH Cleveland Medical Center.
“Designing technology directly with the end user eliminates organizational waste and decreases technology burden. This collaboration has allowed us to solidify a framework for implementing nurse-led innovation, using our organization’s nursing governance councils.”

Jennifer Gonzalez, MSN, APRN, AGCNS-BC, Clinical Nurse Specialist, UH Cleveland Medical Center
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