Jul 29, 2021
USF Health partnered with Edgility, a Tampa-based startup founded by two former Tampa General Hospital employees
University of South Florida's College of Nursing has teamed up with a Tampa medical technology startup to better prepare its nurses using technology on the job.
USF Health partnered with Edgility, a Tampa-based startup founded by two former Tampa General Hospital employees. Edgility launched in 2016 and provides a health care system to improve gaps and delays in information flow, but it was during the novel coronavirus pandemic that the pair saw Edgility take off. The company released three toolkits specifically to act as a command center and help address coronavirus-related challenges.
The co-founders will help lead USF Health's "Health Re-Imagined: The Digital Incubator” program, which provides training modules to teach nursing students and faculty how to incorporate technology into finding solutions for the industry's challenges.
“Nursing is America’s most trusted profession,” Dr. Balaji Ramadoss, a co-founder of Edgility, said in a statement. “Our partnership with USF Health College of Nursing pairs that trust with a modern digital platform enabling nurses to solve the stubborn problems in our health care system.”
The program can help not only the nurses and faculty better understand how to utilize technology but can also help drive the college's research and innovation.
“We need to help nurses think differently about the care they provide,” Dr. Elizabeth Jordan, senior associate dean of assessment and evaluation for the USF Health College of Nursing, said in a statement. "Who better to lead these efforts in health care operations than nurse leaders? This new program will create opportunities for nurses to gain even higher levels of digital preparation and a deeper specialization in innovative technology.”
Link to article: https://www.bizjournals.com/tampabay/news/2021/07/29/usf-college-of-nursing-teams-up-with-tampa-tech-st.html?cx_testId=40&cx_testVariant=cx_44&cx_artPos=8#cxrecs_s