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Throughput Orchestrator: Edgility COVID-19 Free Digital Toolkit

Click here to download the SBAR, role description and considerations.

With the fluidity of hospital capacity in the current pandemic, as well as entering into influenza season, it is critical that health systems have a system level clinical executive, who is consistently monitoring capacity and availability of beds, across the enterprise. The recommendation would be for this person to be clinical, recommended RN, in order to help facilitate conversations and workflows with providers, when required.

Hospitals often have someone who monitors the bed situation for the hospital, such as the nursing supervisors, however this leaves a gap at the system level. Discharges, pending admissions, level of care transitions, and community trends, must all be tracked and monitored for optimal patient flow. This clinical executive will have a dyad leadership role with identified physician, who can help with escalations and removing barriers as needed.

Click here to download the SBAR, role description and considerations.


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