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Resource Orchestration

Burnout of clinical and non-clinical staff is on the rise; are you aware of how your resources are deployed? Which departments are overworked and who is at risk of providing sub-optimal care?​


A significant number of tasks in many workflows can be assumed by support staff.​​ Removing rudimentary tasks from your high-skill workforce is immediate employee satisfaction.

Resource Orchestration Lenses

Optimal resource orchestration is critical to implementing organizational strategies and achieving initiatives. Proper resource allocation helps to alleviate the impact of disruptions in healthcare operations and increases employee satisfaction.


Examples of Lenses for Resource Orchestration:​

Heads up display lens resource .png


Heads-up Display

Leadership Lens

Staffing Orchestration

Results seen from implementation of Edgility's Resource Orchestration Lenses

- 8,392

+ 18%

+ 48%

Decrease in hours (350 days) of physician and nursing labor

Increase Retention

Increase in Pathway adherence

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